For centuries, people throughout the world wondered why French women are not fat; and look gorgeous and so feminine. It gets started with a secret taught to girls before they become women: "Eat all the meals of the day in small portions, and with pleasure." Once that secret sinks in ~and girls become young women~ they are taught yet another critical secret: "Cook good recipes - Use fresh ingredients." The heavenly taste of food cooked with quality and fresh ingredients ~along with great recipes~ promote to savor EACH BITE. In addition, French people take time to eat. Both actions lead to feel satisfied well before you overload your stomach.
French women do not get fat because ~since early in their lives~ it is second-nature to control BOTH what they eat and how much of it. In addition, they do not see certain foods as forbidden as long as those foods are eaten in moderation; they do not believe in skipping meals; they prepare meals that they savor and enjoy in company of people they want to be with; they drink red wine ~some six ounces or so~ with each meal [except breakfast]; they do not obssesively exercise nor they sign up contracts with gyms but they do have an active life through a good portion of their days instead.
Can you have their success ?
You can IF you accept to prepare finer meals with quality and nutrious ingredients; IF you learn to savor food in smaller portions in each meal of the day; IF you do it in company of people you enjoy to be with in a quite and serene environment; IF you drink a moderate amount of red wine with each meal [other than breakfast]; and IF you have an active lifestyle every day. All of it for extended periods of time.
What you just read is the opposite of buying fast food and eating processed foods; eating large meals; eating meals lacking nutrients and drinking the wrong drinks; eating in a rush; eating not enjoying food; eating as you endelessly talk to someone or sink your head in a cell phone; eating in a noisy environment; driving in a parking-lot until you find a spot close to the entry door instead of walking; exercising excessively and/or running like a maniac. [Wearing out joints and hip in the process.]
All of the above ~and the article you may read following the link below~ means that the ridiculous statement "French Women Diet" is certainly untruthful. Those gorgeous-looking French women are NOT fat and display slender and desirable gracious feminine bodies because of pure coincidence. It is because of a long list of very good and wise reasons, and they act on that list of reasons since early in their lives.
You may now read below more detailed secrets of why French women are not fat.
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